Solo Practitioners

Front line support for Solo Architects

Access to our platform will introduce you to new clients and projects. You choose to accept the project based on scope, fee, and location. Perfect for new architects looking for added revenue.  

ArchiTech will not only help solve your biggest challenge of finding new clients, but will also relieve you of the administrative burden of  project tracking, coordinating  project stakeholder communications, and client billing and collecting.

Small Firms

You're a small firm making a big impact

As a small architecture firm your resources are allocated to producing quality designs and not to the development of costly lead generating systems or complex back office support systems. 

ArchiTech is your sales, marketing, administration and customer service department rolled into one elegantly delivered package. 

Mid-size Firms

Mid-Size firms with unique challenges

Access to our platform will help solve poor communications between all project stakeholders, a typical IT challenge of mid-size firms.  The systems and processes you deploy today help define what your firm will be tomorrow. 

Architech will give you back some of the flexibility you may have lost, and help you elevate your customer service levels using the platforms automated communications features.